Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Beresheims

My gandfather was James Seiter - his parents were Henry and Catherine [Marr] Seiter. Lucille [Seiter] Mull, James' half sister, told me that Catherine [Marr] Seiter had a sister, Elizabeth [Marr] Beresheim - so Elizabeth [Marr] Beresheim was James' aunt.

I am posting the information I found on the Beresheims in case one of them is doing an internet search and stumbles onto this website and hopefully contacts me.

Elizabeth Marr [b 1865] married Adam Beresheim [b 1862] in ~ 1891. They had Lena [b 1892], Charles [b 1894], Joseph [b 1899] and Mamie or Mary [b ~ 1901]. Lena, Charles, Joseph and Mamie [Mary] were the cousins of James Seiter and his sibs.

Elizabeth and Adam Beresheim can be found in the 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 censuses. The 1900 census is posted - click on the image to enlarge and then click on "all sizes" directly above the image to enlarge further.

In the 1920 census, Elizabeth's neice and nephew, Anna and James Seiter were living with her.

In the 1930 census, Elizabeth and Adam lived with their son Charles and his family [wife Marion b ~1902 in Russia; Charles Jr b ~1922 and daughter Rita b ~1928; and Marions's siblings, Anthony Stolaski and Sophie Stolaski]

Elizabeth and Adam lived in "Queens, NY" in the 1900, 1910 and 1930 census. The 1920 census listed their address as College Point, Queens, NY.

I am going to try to find a marriage certificate for Elizabeth and Adam, to see if I can find more information on Elizabeth's parents.

If you want to see the other censuses, email me and I will email them to you.

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