Thursday, August 14, 2008

Marr Branch of the Seiter Family Tree

This is the family tree so far (click on the picture to enlarge). It consists of my great grandfather, Henry Seiter, and his first [Catherine Marr] and second [Elizabeth Myers] wives, and their children.

It also contains Catherine Marr’s parents and sister as well as their known descendents.

I have left out Elizabeth [Myers] Seiter's children from her first marriage in order to make the family tree readable. I have also left out the mysterious Peter Seiter, as I don't know who he is.

I will next post Henry Seiter's siblings and their descendents before going on to Henry's parents.

I have left off the generations below James Seiter [except for me] as most people have privacy concerns, but I will post them if I have their permission. There is a family reunion picnic in September 2008 at which I hope to get more information. Check back.

UPDATE - found a lot more information which changes everything about this post - see subsequent posts.

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